Automobile Liability & Physical Damage

Automobile Liability

Covers all sums which a contractor becomes legally obligated to pay because of bodily injury or property damage, subject to policy limits, provided that this injury or damage is caused by an accident involving a covered automobile. This coverage applies to any vehicle being operated on company business, including rentals, and scheduled vehicles even if it is personal business.

Non-Owned Auto Liability

Protects the insured against suits arising from an employee’s use of a personal automobile.


Pays for a loss to a covered automobile which is caused by the covered auto’s overturn or collision with another object.


Pays for damage to or loss of a covered automobile for any cause except overturn or collision with another object (theft, fire, flood, hail, vandalism, etc.) There is generally little, if any, coverage for stereo equipment or telephones.

Specified Perils

Similar to Comprehensive except that this coverage only pays for losses caused by specific perils, including fire, explosion, theft, hail, vandalism, etc.  The major difference between Comprehensive coverage and Specified Perils coverage is auto glass breakage and other obscure road hazards.

Medical Payments

Provides reimbursement for medical expenses of persons other than employees who are injured while occupying an insured automobile, regardless of who was at fault in the accident.

Uninsured Motorists

Pays for bodily injury to occupants of the insured’s automobile which are sustained in an accident with a motorist who does not have bodily injury liability insurance.